Early Eyes Education

Atelier scratch

Atelier scratch

39,99 49,99 

Atelier scratch pour vos enfants


FR- Dans notre atelier Scratch, les enfants découvrent le codage de manière ludique en utilisant des blocs de code colorés. Ils apprendront à créer des histoires interactives, des animations et des jeux tout en développant leurs compétences en logique et en résolution de problèmes. Scratch rend la programmation accessible et amusante pour les plus jeunes.

EN- In our Scratch workshop, children will dive into the exciting world of coding and creativity. They will learn how to create interactive stories, animations, and games using Scratch, a visual programming language.


FR- L’objectif de l’atelier est d’initier les enfants aux bases du codage, de développer leurs compétences en résolution de problèmes et de stimuler leur créativité à travers des projets pratiques.

EN- The workshop aims to introduce children to the fundamentals of coding, develop their problem-solving skills, and foster their creativity through hands-on projects.

En savoir plus sur Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/

Topics Covered:

– Introduction to Scratch and its user interface
– Understanding basic coding concepts such as loops, conditionals, and variables
– Creating interactive stories and animations
– Designing and programming games

Coding Projects:
1. Labyrinth Challenge: Build a maze game where the player navigates through a challenging labyrinth.
2. Musical Jam: Create a music composition program where users can experiment with different sounds and beats.
3. Animated Story: Develop an interactive story with characters, dialogues, and animated scenes.
4. Virtual Pet: Design a virtual pet simulation, complete with feeding, playing, and caring for the pet.
5. Creative Showcase: Showcase their creativity by designing and coding their own project.

XP to earn: With each completed project, earn experience points to level up! This course offers a total of 280 XP.

Entry level: Sparrow
No previous coding experience? No problem! This course is crafted for beginners.

Choose your level

Beginner, Intermediary, Advanced

Select your session hours

1h30, 2h

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