Early Eyes Education

PIX Workshop

PIX Workshop

Course title: PIX Workshop

Description: Our PIX workshop focuses on preparing children for the PIX certification, a nationally recognized assessment of their digital skills. Through targeted exercises and practice tests, children will enhance their digital literacy, computational thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Objectives: The workshop aims to familiarize children with the PIX certification requirements, improve their performance in the assessment, and equip them with valuable digital skills for the future.

39,99 44,99 

Topics Covered:
– Digital literacy: understanding online safety, information evaluation, and privacy protection
– Computational thinking: logical reasoning, algorithmic problem-solving, and decomposition
– Office tools: proficiency in using word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation software
– Programming concepts: basic understanding of coding concepts and their application

Coding Projects: N/A

XP to earn: 350-750

Entry level: Sparrow (Beginner)

Choose your level

Beginner, Intermediary, Advanced

Select your session hours

1 hour 30 minutes, 2 hours

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